Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What (not) to pack

I've been unable to settle down to study today as I'd much rather procrastinate! I managed to watch some of the Vancouver Canucks' 3rd game in the finals through skype with my sister....but unfortunately they lost so badly I'd much rather not talk about it!!

I also sent out a request to the Study Abroad Coordinator here in Tasmania to start up another Facebook group for incoming exchange students and those of us staying another semester. Last semester they started a group and I found it very beneficial. Those of us arriving could talk about getting a VISA, finding accommodation, mention arrival dates and plan trips together. I'm not sure if other Universities have something similar but I think it's a great idea! Unfortunately this coming semester positions were changing and the old coordinator was leaving so a group hadn't been created as yet. Anyway my request was heard and I just got word that one is starting up again!

Last semester's Facebook group

With new students coming, I began thinking of what I would have wanted to bring or not brought had I been given a second chance...so here's a bit of a list

Do not bother to bring:

  • any binders...even if you have a spare one-they use a 2 ring system here!
    • and don't bother with any paper or notebooks with holes punched
  • a lot of clothes...not that I did, but it's better to go home with new interesting stuff than old used clothes
  • your water repellent jacket-it doesn't really help when it actually rains!
  • your boots with a heel..those stairs are killer!
  • the banana muffin recipe since you're going to be cutting bananas out of your diet for the time being (unless you can find them cheaper than the going $12/kg)

Good ideas:

  • that $10 plug adapter was definitely worth it-its really small so fits easily into sockets unlike those multi-region ones (and even though they said don't use it for your hair dryer it works perfectly fine which is a bonus!)
  • should have brought a really good pair of waterproof hiking boots-you're coming to Tasmania after all!
  • slippers and a dressing gown/ house coat...keeping warm is excellent! but maybe pack a good pair of winter socks too!
  • A light weight waterproof coat and an inexpensive umbrella
  • saving recipes onto your computer-less space and easy to access
  • a tuque (sorry a "beanie" or "wool cap")and a pair of warm gloves...very useful here in Tassie
Well thats all I can think of for now so looks like I might need to try and do some studying!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. I wish I would have brought more warmer clothes than I did. I can't wait to go home and have a banana.
