Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Saying Goodbye to Tasmania

My mother arrived on the 1st of November and the last couple weeks left got that much closer. Since I still had 2 exams to go, I sent my mother on a Port Arthur/Richmond tour which she quite enjoyed. Seeing Port Arthur is definitely a must do, for everyone thinking of going to Australia!
The week was crazy with me studying, roommates packing up to go, and making sure my mother was entertained.  Eventually the double exam day arrived and I finally finished needing to think about school. Those that were leaving had just about all left and it was going to be me leaving next. One of my Korean roommates kindly offered to take my mother and I to some sights so that she could see some more of Tasmania.
In his ancient car, we drove past roadkill after roadkill to Huon valley and right to where I'd been on my Tasmania Forestry expedition.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Halloween in Tassie

It's been hard for me to keep up updating for a couple reasons. Firstly my computer is just a glossy dead weight for the time being, as the cord has died. Without a computer of my own it's a bit hard to keep up with checking all my messages and having time to write. Aw well, I can't access all my lovely photos or edit them easily. The other reason was that I was quite busy studying for exams, and then my mom arrived while I was still studying so I already had to ignore her but writing a blog seemed a but too rude as well! Anyways much has happened but as I recall I had left off with some Halloween plans.

Over the weekend leading up to Halloween, I was crazy busy organizing all the food items, designing a costume and decking out the home. Since Emily was in her exam until that afternoon, I had very little help and was just a tad stressed with all the things to do. We managed however to pull off a fun evening.

I had bought some spider webs for a section of the living room but other decorations came from black plastic bags. I had one housemate cut out bat shapes for me and threw a bag over the ugly broken rock lump at the bottom of the driveway, turning it into a black ghoul with a bit of masking tape. Fake hands were made from filling plastic gloves with coloured jello.

Jello hand

I was dressed up as a spider, making four extra legs from stockings stuffed with shopping bags and lightly sewn to a black top. Some extra eyes and black pants and my very simple costume looked great. I even dressed up Elliot as a fly using some tinfoil, black garbage bag, a bent hanger and some baking paper.

Elliot the fly 

For food, I had made zombie finger cookies died green, and loved by all the housemates. Some chocolate cupcakes with orange icing and Halloween cookies were other desert treats. Cocktail wieners wrapped in strips of puff pastry became little mummies, boiled eggs with a sliced olives became eyes. Emily died mashed potatoes weird colours making interesting sculptures. A hand made from carrots and almonds reached out of a home made veggie dip. A couple guests brought some food to share and in the end there was more than enough for us all.

Emily's potato creation

Potato Snake

Finger cookies and Halloween cupcakes

A creepy veggie dip

As for other costumes, there was a scientist, Emily attempted a crazy voodoo women, one friend dressed as a Chinese cartoon character, and the American dressed as an American tourist. The others were impressed with the costumes and decor, having never attended any Halloween parties or events before.